Measuring Instructions
+ Why should I take field measurements?
For door production, it is critical that the dimensions submitted are accurate. Next to proper installation, accurate field measurement is essential so that we make doors to fit your openings. Should your field measurements be inaccurate, doors will either have to be modified on site or re-ordered.
Each and every closet opening in your building must be field measured for us to make doors that fit. Each door delivered to you will be marked as to its exact location in the building in accordance with the documents you submit for production.
+ Who measures?
As part of your bid package, you may require the winning bidder to take field measurements-provided you feel confident in their skill in measurement details. On occasion, measurement may be available as an additional service provided by your architect or engineer. For purchases through area distributors, field measurement may be a service offered.
+ How do I determine when to install?
Because Magiglide closet doors need only the Top Track and the Floor Pivot Assembly for installation, they can be installed independent of jambs. Dimensions submitted for door production must be based upon actual finished opening sizes only OR the finished opening sizes you expect to have after jambs and/or sheetrock returns are completed (new construction).
+ Can I install a standard floor plate on top of carpet?
If any carpeting exists or is planned, the height dimension submitted must be taken from the hard underlayment to the head, or ceiling. Avoid mounting the floor pivot assembly on the top of the carpeting.
+ Can I recess the track into the ceiling?
If you would like to recess the track into the ceiling, indicate when ordering as this will change the measurements of the closet door in manufacturing. Measure from the location of the recess down to the subfloor for accurate measurements.
+ When should I measure for replacements?
Should you plan to reconstruct closet openings as part of your replacement project, field measurements should be taken after that work in completed. For newly build closet openings (new construction or major renovations) and opening sizes are produced to the architect’s instructions, doors for those openings may be ordered in advance of the openings being finished.
+ What special attention should I give to measuring closet walls of 12-30 feet?
Wide closet openings (openings 12-30ft wide or +) present more issues than smaller closet openings. Variations may include un-even or un-level floor or ceiling surfaces. This requires more attention while fitting (square and straight) Magiglide doors into wide openings. If all openings were to be perfectly square and level over distance, the job would be easier. But, certain variations are inevitable and some may compound over distance, which may not be evident until installation begins. Be alert as to this possibility.
+ In regards to longer span closet openings, what tips can keep the track even when drywall isn't?
Ceiling mounted Top Tracks will span long distances. If the ceilings have variations, tracks may bend or twist during mounting resulting in compromised door operation. Tracks should be shimmed to level. A wood 1x4 screw plate for ceiling mounting might be used if shimming tracks is not practical; the screw plate should be installed level. Hide shims as appropriate. Short, dropped headers may also eliminate problems associated with ceiling variations, provided they are installed level.
+ What can I do if the floor isn't even, and the door needs to be raised?
To achieve factory tolerance at the top, variations in floor elevation are addressed by adjusting the Threaded Stud (two lengths available) which raises the height of the door off of the floor. This is also to say that the variations are mostly accommodated by the threaded stud at the floor, which effects the door’s undercut from door to door. While tolerances at the top of the door are often kept consistent, undercuts reveal those variations to the critical eye.
+ How many measurements are necessary for a single opening?
Take three horizontal, record the tightest. Take three vertical, record the tightest. Check and double check.
Presuming the jambs are reasonably plump and heads reasonably level, the tightest dimensions taken will establish the opening size to which we will make your doors. And your doors will fit with the allowances we cite, more or less.
+ What if I HAVE to measure before sheetrock, corner beads and compound?
For openings not yet sheet rocked, dimensions taken off of rough framing MAY be the basis for calculating final opening widths, provided a realistic deduction is made for the sheetrock, corner beads and compound. For example, you might deduct 1-1/2” from rough framing to allow for the pending work; consult with your sheetrock team to determine the proper deduction.
+ Can I order the doors to fit odd shaped openings?
It is almost impossible to fit our doors (with parallel edges and 90 degree corners) into odd shapes openings such as trapezoids, irregular quadrilaterals and parallelograms. If these conditions are extreme, it may be advisable to reconstruct the jambs. If you do plan to install our doors into oddly shaped openings, down-size the doors slightly when ordering or trimming on-site may be necessary.
+ What issues may arise in terms of baseboards?
Baseboard that runs into closets may reduce or eliminate tolerances expected at jambs, and might compromise door operation. Even though our doors will operate with only the slimmest of margin at the jamb, planning ahead can prevent such complications.
Allowances for baseboard dimensions should be taken into consideration when preparing your dimensions for door production. Trimming doors onsite to relieve tight tolerance is messy, inaccurate and the least preferable option. You may submit REDUCED dimensions to us for door production so doors better clear baseboards, which will result in greater gaps above the baseboard. In these circumstances, top tracks should be ordered slightly larger to better run full width.
Notching doors on-site to accommodate baseboards is possible; be sure to discuss with installers. Doors may be ordered with factory notches. Note that we do not apply tape to the raw cut however; your painter may seal this edge on-site. Factory notching is an Add-On option.
If baseboard is planned throughout, they may be stopped at the front of the door and restarted with a bevel behind the door. if this is the choice, it is suggested that you leave the closet returns without baseboard until after the door is installed.